Saturday, August 25, 2007


Some work is best done in silence...time when you can shut out the outside world and truly focus on the project at hand. I often like to work that way.

Other days, I need to be with other creative souls. I've been looking forward to some creative collaboration. Today Judy is coming to town. I love the way artists improve my vision...letting me see the world in ways I had not considered. Judy reminds me what a wonderful skinner blend can be found in the sunset. (If you don't know what a skinner blend is, it might be time for you to play with polymer clay.)

I am looking forward to a few days of work and play. We wanted to add some finishing touches to her new DVD. But I also want to find time to clay together and enjoy a sunset or two.


Jil Lebel said...

Thanks to Judy's instruction, I am about to create my first skinner blend cane. Wish me luck! JIL

PageSage said...

You are going to create something beautiful. I love watching a skinner blend develop as you pass it through the pasta machine. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

You are right (below) everyone has an artist lurking inside...

Thanks honored that you chose to give me a link - dropping one back at ya. :-)